Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I decided to make the move to WordPress. I am not sure about that yet. I like blogging here more tbh, but I don't know...there's something not quite right. Maybe it won't ever be 'quite right' unless it's my own website/domain, but that is never going to happen lol I want to blog more (more seriously? but not so much on being serious) but not enough to commit financially. Anyway, I'll be trying it out over there for awhile. I may be back. I may not. I may quit this blogging business altogether. As my baby sister once said (while she was little...we still say it today just to be funny) You can never know *grin* Until then, check it out:  http://shortiezrevenge.wordpress.com/

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I've been slack again. I was going to post about my niece's birthday (and I still will) or Halloween (pix anyway) or even my own birthday this past weekend. But then I got on Facebook today and the second thing I see after the page loads is that someone sweet and wonderful had passed away.

I don't really like that term, but it sounds much kinder than "died." At any rate, I know she is much better off. She (Heather) had CF and I know the last year or so seemed rougher than usual. But there is definitely a hole in my heart and a tear in my soul where she belongs.

I keep seeing people talking about Joe Frazier and Heavy D dying. I understand that when a celeb dies that it affects people, even if they didn't "know" them, but I still keep wanting to tell people that I don't care! And that they shouldn't either. They should care about Heather. But I know it doesn't work that way.

I also know life goes on. We see it time and time again. But all day today I have wanted people to stop what they were doing... know about her and then feel the loss of her presence like those of us that loved her do (I can't even begin to imagine what her husband is feeling right now.)

Love you, Heather! Miss you already. You are one of my favorite little rays of sunshine. Even if you are a crookedy ray that sometimes shines in people's eyes on purpose hehe <3

Friday, October 28, 2011


I was feeling a bit off so I went to check my blood sugar and as expected, it was low (not too badly though, it was only 50). So I decided to have ice cream since it would both raise my b/g quickly, and also be delicious lol

When I got back, the movie The Queen was on. I hadn't seen it yet so I figured I might as well watch it. It's only been on about 20 minutes now. Anyway, the part - Spoiler if you haven't seen it! - where Diana is announced dead has just happened. (I saw the accident scene a bit ago so I knew it was coming up soon.)

This brought up a memory I had about all this. I've had it several times over the years, particularly when the anniversary of her death comes up. The Paparazzi shown chasing Diana & Dodi in the car is what brought it up this time. Years ago, before Diana died, some group or other had photos of Diana with marks on her leg. I remember them making (their usual rude comments at that) comments about her having cellulite on her thigh and someone (whether it was official or not, I don't remember...I was still a kid at the time!) defending her saying that she'd been sitting on a stool and it was just marks on her leg. (Whatever! Who cares if it was cellulite or not?)

So the thought I've had over the years is this: How did those people feel after making comments like that? Did they even think about it? You made meaningless and nasty (although they could have been worse) remarks about someone and later you (not personally obviously but still  people of the 'press') are most likely at least partially responsible for her death.

I know if it had bee ME, I would think about that for the rest of my life. I would feel horrible. I know they are "just doing their job" but it is still a choice. I don't understand it really. I mean, I like hearing about this celeb or that doing things...but I like to hear about the good things. A charitable cause. A marriage. A baby.

Anyway, just one of those random thoughts I had/have. I'll be back sooner or later to catch up on everything else. I've just been kind of antisocial lately, at least online. It happens, but I'll definitely be back.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Birthday Party!

Next week is my niece Elliana Grace's 2nd birthday party! I'm excited. As I have mentioned before, I love that kid! (Plus, I like get-togethers! I don't care if they are children's birthday parties lol) Things have been tough this year, so I tried to help out some. I got all the plates, cups, napkins, etc today, as well as stuff to make brownies (yum!) and cupcakes (double yum!) I'm hoping to put my semi-baking skills to good use and get the cupcakes colored to match the party theme. If I fail, I have backup Yellow frosting lol Jenn (her mother) said she needed clothes in her current size so that was like a jackpot! I love buying clothes! For me or anyone else lol I only had time to go to one store though, so I had to make it count. I had to get her a toy too because, c'mon, it's a birthday! But I figured I would save that for Christmas since she really needs the warmer clothes now before it gets cold. I imagine there will be pictures to follow :-)


I seriously need to learn to relax. I don't understand it. I'm a pretty laid-back, chilled out individual, but physically, I am often tense. I'm even tense during things that shouldn't be. Example: I was lying down a week or so ago, hoping it wouldn't take me 900 years to get to sleep, and I realized my body was not completely relaxed. I had to force myself to melt lol Same thing when I was getting a little bit of massage one day. Even once I'm asleep I'm not fully un-tense. I clinch my jaws and grind my teeth! I've even been told it can sound kind of scary sometimes lol So how do you get un-tense if there is tension even while you are asleep?!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today Was A Good Day

Today was a good day! Or I guess I should say that yesterday was. Saw the doctor for my 6 month check-up deal. Got some other medical things taken care of while I was there. Got my flu shot! Doc decided to draw some blood while I was there, so now both my arms are tender lol But after all that fun...

Mom and I had lunch at "The Birthday Sizzler" (which is actually a steak house called Western Sizzlin that does a special on birthdays so families often go, hence the name). They have this veggie soup that I just love. Had a big plate of salad, bowl of that delicious soup, some Italian meatballs and lots of veggies. Oh and some cheesecake hehe

Afterwards, we did a little shopping. Mostly window shopping, but it's still fun. I did pick up a few things: couple of things we needed for the house, couple of books, a few little Christmas gift items, a shirt and a dress (both on sale for $5...You can't beat $5!). I've been on a dress kick for awhile. It's cute. It's dotted swiss (aka swiss dots!) and cut in a way I like, so it was a win-win-win for me!

Came home and had mercy taken on me and my poor arms lol I didn't have to cook! BK may not be gourmet food, but man that burger was good! Sometimes a girl just needs a double cheeseburger! lol Bro stopped by to help cut down the tree. An on-going project/problem for Joe. Personally, I liked the tree, but whatever. It's nothing but a super short stump now.

And the strangest bit: We cleaned the bathroom. I know that doesn't sound like that much fun or something that would make a day "good" but it's nice to do things together. I don't think I've been so happy cleaning in awhile. I doubt the boy-wonder felt the same lol but that is ok.

Had a nap (always a plus!) did some internetting and just read a few chapters. Good end to a good day.

Next on the agenda: Girl's night out on Friday (assuming Angie doesn't cancel on me. It happens). And then Saturday, my brother's bff and long time friend of our family is getting married! I like weddings. It gives me a good excuse to get all dressed up and then socialize lol I'm wondering if thier son will be there / be in the wedding? He's young so IDK. I'm wondering mostly though, because I'm hoping my neice will be there. Forget being mommy or daddy's girl, I think Ellie should be Auntie's girl. I love that kid!

Unrelated Note: Watched Thor the other day. Gotta watch them all before The Avengers movie comes out. Anyway, ladies, if you like shirtless hunks, there's a scene you should definitely check out LOL Iron Man is still my favorite though :-)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Movies about hackers and hacking are cool, but in the real world it can be bad news. Trust me, I know that not everyone that can and does hack is a baddie. Some of them do it just to show they can and then leave everything as is. But, there are always the guys on the other side of the line that like to cause chaos - or at least mischief.  If I get malware or a virus on my PC, it’s a nuisance more than anything else. I’m not happy about it, but it’s not life or death. However, the one piece of technology that I rely on that IS life or death is my insulin pump. At the recent Black Hat conference it was revealed that you can hack an insulin pump. I can't exactly picture this happening to me or to anyone else for that matter, but it still makes me thinkg WTF?!
